Mário Ferreira da Silva was born in Vila Nova de Gaia. Holding a diploma as a ceramist technician in Portugal, on an F.C.G. scholarship, he went to Italy
where he frequented the Gaetano Bellardini Institute of Ceramic Art in Florence and a sculpture course in Perugia.
On study trips, he went through Switzerland, Germany, England, France, Italy, Holland and Spain. In 1971 he went to Washington and New York to
manage the placement of 80 of his ceramics panels, commissioned for John Fitzgerald Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. He is a member of the
Académie Internationale de la Céramique, an advisory body to U.N.E.S.C.O. based in Geneva.
From 1978 to 1980 he was a ceramics teacher at the Soares dos Reis School of Decorative Arts in Oporto. Since 1994 he has been a guest professor at the
E.U.A.C. (University School of Arts of Coimbra), Artistic University Education, being responsible for the ceramics degree course.
He has sought to explore the potential of materials in varied textures and forms of presentation, also interplaying with the relationship between the
construction of forms and their place in space.
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+351 255 420 282 (Service/Reception)
+351 255 420 262 (Educational Project)
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