Born in Nova Goa, she studied in Lisbon, having made various stays in Paris and Madrid. She became famous as a water-colour painter, a caricaturist
and author of posters. Her residence, in Rinchoa, became a Museum-House and the S.N.I. made her the patron of one of its prizes. As a caricaturist, she
worked in newspapers like “O Inferno”, “D. Quixote”, “A Corja” in Portugal and “Assiette au Beurre” and “Le Rire Belge” abroad.
Leal da Câmara is a vital figure in the Portuguese modernist movement, having not only taken part in salons of humorist, modernists and fantasists,
but also having organised some of them and composed the covers of their catalogues. However, as regards her works, she never attained the
vanguardism or expressiveness of other colleagues of her generation.
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