Born in Lisbon, where he studied, he went to Paris in 1907 where he studied at the studio of Jean Paul Laurens and at the École de Beaux-Arts. Just like
the colleagues of his generation, he used illustration as a professional option. As from 1911 he was in Munich, having worked on illustrations in the
magazine “Meggandorfer Blätter”, a collaboration which was to extend to other periodicals. In 1914 he took refuge in Switzerland because of the war. In
1920 he was in Madrid where he worked on magazines and papers. As from the 1930's he was part of teams of decorators for International Exhibitions
under S.P.N.-S.N.I., to wit that of New York (1939) at the Portuguese World Exhibition (1940).
His pictorial work, marked by structured landscapes, made way for the production of drawings and illustrations where he revealed a great
expressiveness which then assumed the elegance typical of the 1920's and also an aggressiveness more consistent with certain Expressionist standards
which came via the German influence.
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